Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 3/4: It's Sunday, do you know where your eye drops are?

Sunday was supposed to be the big bad day--the nadir of my recovery. My eye was a little itchy this AM, but hasn't been for the past several hours. If I kept the eye closed, the itching seemed to go ease. I can't imagine having both eyes itching at once. I did the 3 AM goop reload last night, so my eye is being pretty well hydrated all the time-- maybe that's helping. I also took a nap yesterday afternoon with my right eyecup buried in a cold compress for an hour.
My wife tells me that I often squint with my left eye when I am looking at my PC. Ok.
Also, I won't be able to join my cycling team on any group rides until I get stereo vision back. I might ride solo for awhile, so my fitness doesn't fall too far behind.

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