Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 1 belated summary

At the end of the first week, I think that a person who did both eyes would be pretty functional. If you look at any item and cover each eye in turn, you notice that you never see as well with one eye as with two. I still see some ghosting and hazing from the PRK in my right eye. My left is 100% clear, of course. The interesting turn over the past day or so is that I can't wear my glasses for extended periods and then just drop my patch and compare my "new" eye and my corrected "old" eye. even though the new eye sees pretty clearly at those times, I get a strain--like when I look through my wife's glasses which accomodate astigmatism. Everything is clear, but just a little off. I think it's because the brain sort of "calibrates" to a certain size image and then cannot adjust to the immediate input from a an eye not wearing glassses. I tested this theory this AM. I woke up and wore no glasses and did fine. So I'm guessing that the calibrating resets over night. There's all sorts of cool experiments one could do with patches and brain functions. Hopefully, most have already been done.
The left eye is scheduled for 10 days from now. Hope that I don't get blind-sided from the right while driving before then.


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