Monday, March 16, 2009

Tidbits I picked up

I picked some info during the checkup on Friday. First of all, the eye sight is doing well. somewhere around 20/25 combined. My doc says I'm on the high edge of the recovery curve and that it usually takes longer. FYI: this was my 5/3 week checkup.

Some Answers:
A: why do I see best in the first 30-60 mins of the AM? 1. B/c I use a computer, my eye lenses don't focus far and like lifting a weight. It's easy at first, but gets harder as the day progresses. I was recommended to take several breaks from work each hour and stare at some object in the far distance. Also, keep the eyes wet. B/c my eyes aren't used to focusing this far on their own, since they had help in the past, this will need to be worked on. never knew there was rehab involved, but I guess I will work on this. They are the doctors.

B. Why do I see better on some days than others. Answer: depends on the daily amount of swelling. As a general curve, the eye swelling should be decreasing over time. Therefore the amount of variance in my daily vision should reduce over time, but some days the eyes will be more swollen than others.

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