Thursday, March 5, 2009

Unstable is the new Stable

My last blog from Saturday the 28th was very positive. If I had written a blog on Sunday, it would have been much more negative. Monday was more promising than Sunday, but less than Saturday. In general, each day gets better, but they all follow a similar pattern. I wake up. I can see well. I look across the field across from our house and I can pick out the individual slats in the rail fence about 250 yards away. I can see the Continental divide very clearly. At some point in the next hour, perhaps b/c of the cup of coffee I drink (I don't know), my vision degrades to pretty good. I can read my PC okay while working. Eventually, though, it fades out. Last night we went to a pro hockey game and I had lost a goodly amount of detail toward the end.
Today, the vision was pretty good. The 2 week semaniversary is tomorrow for the left eye. I can see pretty well. I suspect that the period of improvement in my vision in the first part of the day will become longer as the eyes heal.

I poked myself in the eye today b/c I fell back into my habit of adjusting dried contacts by hand.

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